King of grand pianos – Steinway & Sons!

Today we introduce you to king of grand pianos – Steinway & Sons! 

Without your talent, a Steinway is silent. Together, you and the piano create beautiful sounds of music. Together with Steinway Piano you can deliver the best quality of performance to your audience.

You can see Mr. Steinway as a hero of financial news, as the best friend of historically famous pianists, in feature films, as an exhibit of prestige museums and enjoy the wonderful sound in the famous concert halls.
Today, more than 98 percent of the world’s active concert pianists bear the title “Steinway Artist”.

The piano earned this title for a number of reasons including it’s tonal range.
Professionally speaking only Steinway piano covers the full spectrum of any instrument in the orchestra from below the lowest note of the double bassoon to above the top note of the piccolo.

Historically this is the largest musical instrument (excluding the pipe organ), most versatile and one of the brightest.

Professional musicians choose Steinway because they can express all their music concepts and interpretations.

It is kind of privilege to own such instrument for rehearsals and performances.
Come to our show room and just try.
I guarantee you will be fascinated!

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